Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Haven't been updating my blog for a loooong time. Thought I'll give an inventory of new skills and vocabulary I've acquired over the past few months. Here goes:

Words I can say meaningfully:

* Mamma
* Dadda
* Nai Nai (which I pronounce as Nay Nay)
* Yeh Yeh
* Mei Mei
* Apple
* Ball (which applies to both balls and balloons)
* Car
* Bye! (Which sounds like 'Baa')
* Hi! (Which sounds more like 'Hey')

Parts of the body I can point to:

* Eyes
* Ears
* Nose
* Mouth
* Hair
* Toes
* Knees
* Belly Button
* Neck

Given a picture of a mixture of things, I can point out:

* Ball
* Cat
* Dog
* Doll
* Teddy Bear
* Crying Boy (and imitate the crying sound and action)
* Bird

I can gesture:

* Cute Cute (by putting my index fingers on my cheeks and tilting my head to one side)
* Mei Mei (by gently stroking my cheeks)
* Shang Nao Jing (Headache)
* Chou Chou - smelly (by pinching my nose)
* Bye
* Hi (same gesture as Bye)
* Shake hands
* Wash hands
* Shui jiao - sleep (by putting my head on a cushion or pillow and pretending to sleep)
* Cry (by rubbing my eyes and pretending to cry aloud)
* Xiu xiu - shame shame (I love doing that when I see half-naked men)

Recently, I've also learnt to play with people other than my caregivers. Mummy says I'm becoming more sociable and having less stranger and separation anxiety. The biggest breakthrough is that now, I'm able to stay in the Cradle Roll without Mummy or Daddy's company during Sunday service, which is a GREAT relief to them both as it means that they can attend service in peace at the same time.