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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Trip to Singapore Zoo

Last night, Vernice Jie Jie came for a stayover. We had so much fun and I was so excited at the new guest that I didn't sleep until past 11.30 pm. This morning, we woke up early to prepare for a trip to the zoo! Auntie Vivien and Favian joined us too! We met at 10 am at the entrance.

We saw so many animals - lions, tigers, elephants, sealions, penguins, rhinos, zebras, giraffes, etc, etc (obviously, you can't expect a 1.5-year-old to remember the names of all the animals). But the part I enjoyed most wasn't the animals. It was the Children's Playland, where Vernice Jie Jie and I played in the fountain pool. It was so fun! Both of us got all drenched, but Mummy was well-prepared with a small towel (which the 2 of us shared), and extra change of clothes. After that, we went to watch the Animal Show and the Sealion Show.

Favian was quiet and so well-behaved throughout the trip. I really like Vernice Jie Jie so much that I had to hold her hand wherever we went. Mummy expected me to take a nap right after lunch but I was enjoying myself so much that I only dozed off at 4 pm in the tram, when we were making our way out of the zoo. Favian was even stronger - he was still winning the battle to keep awake when we parted, even though anyone could tell that he was already exhausted!

Woke up at 5 pm when we reached home and couldn't go back to sleep anymore. Mummy gave me a good shower to scrub away all the dirt and sweat of the day. I fell asleep before 9.30 pm that night, despite the 7th Month Ge Tai that was blasting from right beneath our flat - slept like a log.


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