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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Finally, it's the March holidays! Everyone had been looking forward to this break so that we could spend more time together as a family. Maybe even Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai were looking forward to it so that they could finally get a well-deserved break from their duty of looking after me.

Last Sunday, we set off for Batam, Holiday Inn Hotel. Mum and Dad chose to go there because they didn't want to spend too much time travelling with a very active toddler. It was a nice place, very resort-like, with a relaxing atmosphere. Upon arrival, Daddy asked for a room with a king-sized bed but there was no more of such rooms so they gave us a free upgrade to a suite! What a pleasant surprise! The suite was huge, with a living room, a dining area and a kitchenette. And it had a pool view! It came with 2 separate supersingle-sized beds so Mummy pushed them together to form one gigantic sleeping area for the 3 of us! I could roll and turn about as much as I wished when I was sleeping!

Daddy wanted so much to take me swimming but Mummy gave a firm 'NO' each time because I was still suffering from cough and a running nose. Every day, Mummy would look at the pool from our room and say, "The pool looks soooo nice, but too bad, you can't swim." So we whiled away much of our time resting and playing in the room, and taking short walks in the resort, basking in the sun. Mummy said it was a splendid time of rest for her. She couldn't remember the last time she took a 3-hour nap. The Kid's Club was a haven for me. I was pampered with so many toys, and there, I learnt to climb up stairs for the first time. There were also other Jie Jies and Gor Gors doing colouring , drawing and painting.

The second day, we went to MegaMall in the town for some shopping. It was a 30-minute drive from our hotel. It was a huge shopping mall but many of the shops on Level 3 were not opened. Nevertheless, we managed to spend one afternoon there, and then returned to the hotel by about dinner time, after having bought a pair of shoes and a top for me, and a T-shirt for Mummy.

On Tuesday, we returned to Singapore. The next 2 days, Mummy had to attend a course so there I was, back at Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai's house again.


Blogger Happy Mama said...

Hi Pagon,

your site is really cool, hey just realized that we chose the same bubble page for the site ... hmm, thot that's the nicest too, can put the print in all kinds of colours. Hey, how do you get the in blogger, and those cute pics, how do you download them? Wow, two thumbs up for you man, you really know your way around, i'm staying home, but haven't got down to decorating the site at all. thanks for your tips.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Happy Mama said...

Hey, good for you, a nice holiday ya. Look how Beth has grown and her features becoming more prominent and 'girlish' what you hoped for rt? no more need of pink hair pins to identify her gender. Great to see you enjoying motherhood, and going holidays as well!! Btw, I've figured out the thingy.

6:32 PM  

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