Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'm ONE Today!

Yes! I turn one today! How time flies. I'm certainly thankful to God for watching over me. It was He who has been keeping me growing strong and healthy for the past year.
Daddy and Mummy brought me to United Square today to have a mini threesome celebration and also to get me a birthday gift. Now that I'm able to walk with support, there's no way Daddy and Mummy could keep me in their arms or in the pram. I insist on my right to walk on my own 2 feet like anyone else. Of course, that means that shopping is much more difficult for Mummy, because she has to inch her way through and she can't go anywhere unless I'm agreeable. After only a short time of power struggle, Mummy decided that it's time for dinner. We went to the family-friendly restaurant, Globetrotters. They provide baby feeding accessories and there's even a section for babies in the menu! I was feeling a bit sleepy and cranky sitting in the highchair so Mummy quickly ordered a fish congee for me, and a fish and chips for herself, and swiftly took me into the playroom while waiting for the orders to come.
When orders came, disaster struck. The baby cup that they provided was so attractive that I reached for it and tipped the whole cup of water all over myself! A waiter and waitress swiftly cleared up the mess and put newspapers on the floor and so for the rest of the meal, we had to dine with my highchair resting on a small pile of newspapers. The fish congee was yummy, not too salty, so it was good for me, and in no time, I had finished three quarters of the bowl (I would have finished the whole bowl if Mummy hadn't stopped me. She thinks the portion is too much for me). Then, to keep me occupied while Mummy eats, Daddy ordered a Gerber jar of apple for me, which I also gladly emptied.
After dinner, Mummy continued with the shopping that she had missed out earlier, now that I was fed, and in a better mood. She bought me a polka-dotted spaghetti-strapped top from Fox Babies. I finally have new clothes to wear for the New Year!


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