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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mummy's Back to Work

Haven't been updating my blog for a long time because everyone has been busy since we came back from our Australia trip. There were last minute Christmas shopping to do and Mummy and Daddy had to go back to school for meetings after Christmas. Yes, Mummy has started work since Wednesday. By God's grace, she's been posted to a school really near Yeh Yeh's place so it's really convenient for her. Every morning, Yeh Yeh would drop Mummy off at her school and then drive me back to his house, where I would stay until after dinner. This has been my daily schedule for the past 3 days:
10 am : set off to Yeh Yeh's house
10 + : have cereal for breakfast
12 nn : bathe and take first nap
1 + : lunch
4+ : cereal or biscuits for snacks, followed by second nap
6+ : mummy knocks off from work and we'll have dinner together
8 : balek kampong, wash up, last milk feed and prepare for bed
I've been adjusting very well at Yeh Yeh's house, not showing the slightest sign of separation anxiety until I see Mummy again in the evening. When Mummy comes back from work, I would insist that she carries me and I'd be stuck onto her like glue. The only problem Mummy thinks I'm having is that I reject formula milk, not to mention that I've recently been discovered to be allergic to cow's milk. Had rashes around my mouth and eyes the last few times I drank formula cow's milk. Since Mummy switched to soy milk, I've been refusing to take even a single sip, not even when bread is dipped into it. It tastes simply HORRID. So Mummy's having headache now, and she's going to try out other brands of soy milk, and possibly, goat's milk. Hmm...wonder how they would taste like.


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