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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Bedtime Routine and Toys

My bedtime routine starts with a warm, soothing bath. My favourite bathtime toy is the blue elephant watering can, which Mummy calls Elle sometimes. I simply love to fill Elle with water and see the water coming out from its spout when I try to empty it. In fact, I'm enjoying my bathtimes so much that I would shake my head in protest when I see Mummy spreading the towel on her body, ready to pick me up from the bath tub and put an end to my pleasures. I would let out a short little cry of protest when Mummy picks me up so she pacifies me by allowing me to continue to play with Elle as she puts my pyjamas on me. Then, she would put me on her bed and Daddy would join us. I really enjoy these pre-bedtime moments when Mummy, Daddy and I would be playing on the bed in our dimly-lit room and sharing loads of laughter and sweet moments together.
Lately, my favourite bedtime toys have been my big pink checkered teddy bear (from Uncle Eric), and the small purple February bear. The February bear is a gift from Auntie Yu Mei when she went to visit Mummy and me in the hospital when I was born. When Mummy asks, "Where are your teddy bears?", I'll point to my cot, where they'll usually be resting. I can also respond to instructions like "Hug your teddy bear", "Kiss your teddy bear" and "Pat your teddy bear to sleep". I'll 'feed' the teddy bears water with my water bottle and even try to put my teether into their mouths, but no matter what I do, they just wouldn't open their mouths. Could it be that they don't like the taste of my teether?
After a while, I would begin to fuss for milk and Mummy would feed me, during which I would usually doze off to sleep. Funny, when I awake in the middle of the night, I would find myself in my cot.


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