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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Of the Sun, Sand and Sea...and Shopping Carts

Daddy and Mummy brought me on my first CG outing today! After church, we went to a very nice, by-the-sea eating place - Shore Restaurant at NSRCC Sea Sports Centre - for lunch (wonderful recommendation from Uncle Damien and Auntie Fong Yee). It was pouring when we reached there. Mummy was kinda disappointed at first but thank God the rain stopped just as the adults had finished their lunch so we went to a pavillion by the shore to blah blah blah blah and ha ha ha ha (you know, two of those things that adults always do when they get together).

Oh! I had a photo taken with my CG friends! Mummy says this has to be one of her favourite pictures. Quick! Tell me who is the ultimate amongst these four beauties (Si Da Mei Nu)? Don't you dare say it's not me!

And this is our entire CG (missing in action: Auntie Sabrina, Samuel Gor Gor, Joel Gor Gor, and of course, Auntie Mary, who is behind the camera) :

The sky was still overcast after the rain.

In the evening, it was time to do our weekly grocery shopping. Mummy seated me in the shopping cart, hoping that I could steady myself so that Daddy doesn't have to lug along my pram everytime we shop for grocery. I was able to do that for a while.

But alas! After 5 minutes, they had to be disappointed.


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