Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


This week, someone donated 2 walkers to me. On the first day I got them, I was so excited that I was almost 'walking' non-stop. Daddy thinks that the walkers really helped me because today, at Po Po's house, I suddenly released my grip and stood unsupported for quite a few seconds, with thrill and pride written all over my face. Though I've been practicing this on the bed, this is the first time I've consciously done it on hard ground. I repeated this several times and in no time, I took 2 steps forward, then 3, then 4! Of course, after that few steps, I went 'plop' on the floor again. Mummy's hoping that I'll be able to walk by my birthday so that she can stop carrying me so often, and she'll be able to show off my newly-acquired skills at the party!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Another Tooth!

Today Mummy spotted a white spot on my lower gum. Seems like another tooth is cutting through. It's my lower front tooth on the right. Mummy thinks that I must be trying to make up for lost time. She's caught off guard, though, and has not armed herself yet with infant toothbrush or toothpaste.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My First Tooth!

FINALLY.....after a few months of anxious waiting, my first tooth finally sprouted. It's my upper front tooth on the right. What a timely new year gift from God! Mummy was really puzzled about why I still have not cut my first tooth at 11 months so she googled on the web and found that late teething runs in the family. And it was no wonder because Daddy got his first tooth at 11 months too! At least I won't have to go through my first birthday TOOTHLESS!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Gold Coast, Australia

Got some serious catching up to do in my blog entries. Haven't even shared about my trip to Australia though we've been back for almost 3 weeks! There's too much to share so here goes the highlights of the trip.
Mummy had been worried about whether I would be cranky on the 8-hour flight but her worries proved to be unfounded. Since it was a midnight flight, I slept for a good 4-hour stretch, even though I only fell asleep at 2 am! Everything seemed so new and exciting - the pretty air stewardesses walking around, the blue and purple bassinett, the little boy beside me and the Kris World remote control. The rest of the time, I was contentedly playing with Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai until touch down. Not too bad for my first air travel.

For most part of the 2-week vacation, we stayed at Grandaunt's house in Robina, Gold Coast. It was not huge, but it was spacious and there was plenty of room for me to crawl around. Ratio of adults to baby - 6:1 so I absolutely enjoyed having the attention of Mummy and Daddy, Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai, Grandaunt and Granduncle. The most stressful thing for Mummy during the trip was to get me to stay contentedly in my car seat when we were travelling, sometimes for up to 3 hours, since it's compulsory for all babies to be confined in car seats for safety reasons. The days were long, with the sun rising at about 4.30 in the morning so I woke up at 6 plus on average every day. This was trying for Mummy, who is usually able to sleep in until 9 or 10 am at home.
Grandaunt brought us to Surfer's Paradise, Tropical Fruit Farm, Cararra Weekend Market and many shopping centers in the vicinity. We decided to give the theme parks a miss because the 'oldies' and baby wouldn't enjoy the rides, and the 'youngsters' (Mummy and Daddy) won't be able to play much with a baby at hand, not to mention that the admission charges are worth a small fortune.
On some days, we visited Uncle Ping, Auntie Angela and Trinity up in Brisbane (1 hour drive from Gold Coast). Uncle Ping is studying in University of Queensland. How Trinity has grown! She's now rather chubby and able to sit up on her own! Uncle Ping was busy with his exams most of the time so Auntie Angela played host and took us to several places like Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane City and Southbank (a place with artificial beach and weekend market). Brisbane is warmer than Gold Coast and it had been sunny most days so I got pretty tanned during the trip.
Over the last weekend we were there, we drove up to Sunshine Coast and stayed there for 2 nights. Sunshine Coast is a torturous 3 hours' drive from Gold Coast, especially with a baby in the car. It's a nice place, though, very much countryside-like, and different from Gold Coast or Brisbane. We visited the famous Australia Zoo, which Mummy thought was quite a disappointment given its fame, and in comparison to Singapore Zoo. We spent one morning at Eumundi Market, which is a huge, interesting weekend market, followed by an afternoon at Ginger Factory and Macadamia Factory. Nothing much noteworthy there. On the way back to Gold Coast, we visited a very scenic mountain called Montville. The view from the peak was simply breathtaking but it was rather cold up there especially because it was drizzling. No regrets, though. The picturesque view was well worth it.
On the return trip, I slept for about 2 and a half hours - not too bad, considering it was an afternoon flight. Was a little cranky though, for the remaining hours, because there was no space for me to crawl around and sitting in the bassinett all the time was simply boring. And I had to poo poo when the plane was touching down so Mummy couldn't bring me to the toilet to change immediately. Can you imagine the discomfort? I was almost wailing my lungs out!

My Christmas Outfit

Mummy bought me a "My 1st Christmas" suit from K mart in Australia. On Christmas day, she tried to make me wear the suit but there was no way she could make the Santa Claus hat stay on my head for more than 2 seconds. It was cool to wear and the hat fitted just nice but unfortunately the romper was a bit too roomy. Perhaps it'll fit better next Christmas but by then, it'll no longer be "My 1st Christmas".

Mummy's Back to Work

Haven't been updating my blog for a long time because everyone has been busy since we came back from our Australia trip. There were last minute Christmas shopping to do and Mummy and Daddy had to go back to school for meetings after Christmas. Yes, Mummy has started work since Wednesday. By God's grace, she's been posted to a school really near Yeh Yeh's place so it's really convenient for her. Every morning, Yeh Yeh would drop Mummy off at her school and then drive me back to his house, where I would stay until after dinner. This has been my daily schedule for the past 3 days:
10 am : set off to Yeh Yeh's house
10 + : have cereal for breakfast
12 nn : bathe and take first nap
1 + : lunch
4+ : cereal or biscuits for snacks, followed by second nap
6+ : mummy knocks off from work and we'll have dinner together
8 : balek kampong, wash up, last milk feed and prepare for bed
I've been adjusting very well at Yeh Yeh's house, not showing the slightest sign of separation anxiety until I see Mummy again in the evening. When Mummy comes back from work, I would insist that she carries me and I'd be stuck onto her like glue. The only problem Mummy thinks I'm having is that I reject formula milk, not to mention that I've recently been discovered to be allergic to cow's milk. Had rashes around my mouth and eyes the last few times I drank formula cow's milk. Since Mummy switched to soy milk, I've been refusing to take even a single sip, not even when bread is dipped into it. It tastes simply HORRID. So Mummy's having headache now, and she's going to try out other brands of soy milk, and possibly, goat's milk. Hmm...wonder how they would taste like.