Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Latest Achievements

My latest achievements: sitting up on my own and standing with support.

I'm thrilled by the fact that I can now hold on to the cot railing and pull myself up to a standing position! Yesterday, this episode took place at my morning nap time.

Mummy: Ok, darling, time to sleep (puts me down in the cot).
Me: (Immediately flips over and heads for the cot railing. Then stands up, leaning on the railing for support.)
Mummy: No, it's sleep sleep time, baby. (puts me down again to sleep)
Me: Mummy, just let me practice one more time! (heads for the cot railing and stands up again)
Mummy (very sternly): No, darling, that's dangerous!
Me: (Squeals with delight)

This happened again and again until Mummy finally gave up and put me on my playmat to play. I was so excited over my latest achievement that I was in no mood to nap.

This morning, Mummy and Daddy lowered my cot platform so I wouldn't fall over.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Celebrity Look Alikes

Mummy chanced upon this interesting website that matches my photos with the celebrities I resemble. funny: See who I look like.

Mummy tried 3 different photos and Son Ye-jin appeared in all 3 matches and Magic Johnson appeared in 2 of the matches. Hmm....I wonder whom I will grow up to look like.

Monday, September 11, 2006

How Beth has been Doing

An email that Mummy wrote to her friend, Auntie Caris, mother to 4-month-old Nathan, who asked how I was doing:

"Nice to hear from you again! I've been updating myself by reading your blog postings. Good to hear that Nathan's getting better and taking care of him is easier.

The day is so much brighter when you're able to sleep through the night, ya? Sigh...I wish I could say that of Beth as well. She's still having those night-waking spells - cries in the middle of the night (sometimes, once, sometimes twice or even thrice) and needs to be carried to sleep. Sometimes she can be awake for 1 whole hour. Not sure whether it's separation anxiety or she just cannot go to sleep on her own. So this week, I've been trying to train her to fall asleep on her own. The result is a lot more crying in the day especially when she's sleepy. And it takes 1 - 2 hours before she finally fusses to sleep, or she would fuss until the next milk time and suckle to sleep. Tried all sorts of methods - play with her and try to tire her out, sing to her, pat her, etc, but nothing works. She just wants to be rocked to sleep. And she still wakes up in the middle of the night! I've been so stressed up by her crying this week that today, I decided to stick to rocking her to sleep. Since she's still waking up at night, I need some peace in the day, else I think I'm going crazy soon. Don't know when I can have a good night of uninterrupted sleep again. Sigh.....really need lots of prayer for strength, patience, joy and wisdom.

She's been having stranger and separation anxiety as well. Been really sticky to me. Cries when she sees me walk away. Doesn't allow strangers to carry. Sometimes doesn't even allow daddy to carry. Guess it's another phase of social development. I don't mind it, though, knowing that when she has learnt to walk, she would be fiercely independent and won't even allow me to carry her. So, I'd better enjoy this phase as much as I can. I'm just worried about what would happen to her when I go back to work.

Beth's also been crawling pretty quickly now. Can't really leave her alone for longer than 2 minutes else she would make her way to dangerous places that are interesting to her - like the standing fan in the living room. Loves to drum-beat on the base of the fan.

Feeding solids has also not been easy. She's been rather erratic. Sometimes she takes slightly more, sometimes only one or 2 mouthfuls. Have been trying all kinds of fruits and vegetables, but she seems easily bored. Yesterday, I went to see a doc for some fungal infection and she was going to prescribe an oral drug that was not breastfeeding-safe. I told her I'm still breastfeeding and she asked me how old my baby was. When I said "7 months", her response was "Aiyah, 7 months already should be weaned off soon, right? Should only be drinking once or twice a day?" I said "No leh, I'm still latching her on 5 times a day." So in the end, she prescribed a cream instead of oral medication.

She's been behaving quite well otherwise. Becoming more responsive, expressive and playful. Loves it when I sing action songs to her, kiss her, hug her or tickle her. Very smiley, observant and curious. Despite the complaints, I still enjoy her very much. Gonna miss her a great deal when I resume work, which is only about 2 months away.


Friday, September 08, 2006


Yesterday, we came back from our first overseas family trip (actually it was just across the causeway at Johor Bahru)! Travelling there was easy - a 30-minute ferry ride from Changi Ferry Terminal, followed by a 30-minute bus ride to the resort. There wasn't very much to do at the Pulai Beach Resort but we enjoyed taking walks by the beach, having dips in the pool, and just relaxing and spending time together.
The room wasn't fantastic but it was big and clean. What we enjoyed most was the king-sized bed! Even with the three of us on it, there was still plenty of room for me to roll and crawl about, unlike our own bed, on which I am always squashed in between Mummy and Daddy.
The pool was great! We went swimming twice during the trip and despite the dollops of sunscreeen that Mummy had applied on me, I still ended up a bit tanned.
On the second day, we took a tour of a nearby fruit farm. It was more of an animal farm to me. Not much fruits as the fruiting season was over, according to the guide. The only fruiting trees we saw were the ubiquitous banana trees and jackfruit trees, longan trees and dragonfruit trees. There were many animals, though - ostriches, a monkey, a snake, a 7-month-old crocodile (as old as I), peacocks, some chickens, a rooster that was crowing incessantly, rabbits, goats, sheep, and many other animals. I wasn't too keen on the tour and was yawning throughout, having woken up at 6 am that morning because I missed my own bed, not to mention that the heat from the sun made me very drowsy.