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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Yesterday, we came back from our first overseas family trip (actually it was just across the causeway at Johor Bahru)! Travelling there was easy - a 30-minute ferry ride from Changi Ferry Terminal, followed by a 30-minute bus ride to the resort. There wasn't very much to do at the Pulai Beach Resort but we enjoyed taking walks by the beach, having dips in the pool, and just relaxing and spending time together.
The room wasn't fantastic but it was big and clean. What we enjoyed most was the king-sized bed! Even with the three of us on it, there was still plenty of room for me to roll and crawl about, unlike our own bed, on which I am always squashed in between Mummy and Daddy.
The pool was great! We went swimming twice during the trip and despite the dollops of sunscreeen that Mummy had applied on me, I still ended up a bit tanned.
On the second day, we took a tour of a nearby fruit farm. It was more of an animal farm to me. Not much fruits as the fruiting season was over, according to the guide. The only fruiting trees we saw were the ubiquitous banana trees and jackfruit trees, longan trees and dragonfruit trees. There were many animals, though - ostriches, a monkey, a snake, a 7-month-old crocodile (as old as I), peacocks, some chickens, a rooster that was crowing incessantly, rabbits, goats, sheep, and many other animals. I wasn't too keen on the tour and was yawning throughout, having woken up at 6 am that morning because I missed my own bed, not to mention that the heat from the sun made me very drowsy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little beth is so cute and u went 2 jb..... i went 2!(last time)

9:29 PM  

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