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Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

My First Dip

We went to Erica Ah Yee's house for a swim today! It was my first time in the pool!
After a short tennis session, Mummy got me changed into my blue floral-printed swimsuit. Then, while she herself was getting changed, Daddy carried me into the pool. All was well until Daddy tried to put me into this big yellow swimming float. It was scary! I'd never seen this thing before and Daddy wanted me to sit in it??!! I wailed and protested and wanted to have nothing to do with the float or the pool. So Daddy had no choice but to get me out of the water. I would not be pacified until Mummy got out of the changing room to carry me.

Then Mummy VERY gradually submerged me in the water again. I was nervous and cautious, clinging on to Mummy, but this time, I did not protest. I slowly relaxed as Daddy, Mummy, Celeste Jie Jie, Vernice Jie Jie, Jessica Ah Yee and everyone else tried to make me feel comfortable. Before long, I was enjoying myself and making tiny splashes by beating on the water. Soon, I was squealing and chuckling and jumping with delight! Being in the water is so much FUN!

To top it up, nothing beats sucking my toes while having a swim.
After the swim, we had dinner at Erica Ah Yee's house. I have to mention this red push cart that Jessica Ah Yee brought to let me sit in. The moment Mummy put me into it, I was transformed into a toy for the entertainment of Kieron Gor Gor, Chloe Jie Jie and Vernice Jie Jie. I don't mind it, though, and quite enjoy being pushed around.
By the way, this Kieron Gor Gor hor...he's tall, dark and handsome, and 1.5 years older than I. He loved to touch me on the face and push me around in the cart. Guess what? Before he went home, he even planted a kiss on my cheeks! *Blush* There goes my first kiss. Is this LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?


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