Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wild Wild Wet

Yesterday we went to Wild Wild Wet in Downtown East with Vernice, Celeste, Auntie Rina, Uncle Fuji, Elisha and Hannah. We reached there at about 11 am. It was very sunny and fiery hot.

As usual, I was cautious of the water at first. After about 30 minutes, I was entertaining myself with my elephant-shaped watering can and was thrilled by water splashing here and there in the infant pool. I really had fun riding on the float with Mummy in the ‘river’. At close to 1 pm, afraid that I might get burnt from being too long in the sun, Mummy rinsed and changed me and then I took my nap in the pram. By the time I awoke, it was drizzling and the adults were already enjoying their KFC lunch. After lunch, Uncle Fuji and his family needed to leave so we continued resting. There wasn’t much else we could do because by that time, it was raining cats and dogs! Thank God that the weather was good in the morning so we could play to our hearts’ content.

While waiting for the rain to stop, we had cakes and coffee at Mc Café at Downtown East. Everyone was amused by my ‘head-shaking’ trick. Mummy took this video with Dad's handphone.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Updates Again

Mummy's email to Auntie Caris:

Hi Caris,

Hee Hee... actually I'm not back to work yet. Called MOE and they said my date of resumption of duty is 3 Jan 2007. so I think I won't have much pay for Nov and Dec. Good for me too. Can rest for a few more weeks. Good news - I've been posted to Xinmin Primary School! I requested for it because it's really near to my in-law's (3 minutes' walk) and they granted my request. It would be so much more convenient if I work near Beth. Can save on transport cost and time too!

Nathan must be a very chubby boy now. Wah...a mighty 9 kg. Beth's only 8.5 kg now. Must be very tiring to have to carry him around all day. But once he's learnt to crawl, he won't want you to carry him as much already. Beth doesn't want to be carried much now. She's enjoying her freedom and would go wherever she likes. Sometimes, as I busy myself around the house, she would follow me like a little shadow. So cute.

She's learning to stand without support now. Sometimes she would hold on to furniture, stand up, let go of the furniture and try to balance herself. Of course, she can only stand for less than 2 seconds, then she'll be down on the floor again. She especially enjoys it when Granny or Grandpa holds her by the armpit and supports her while she 'walks'. Also getting more social now. Will initiate play (like peekaboo) and understands some words I say, like 'milk', 'mama carry', 'go gai gai', 'porridge', 'sit up', 'clap your hands', 'shake your head' and so on.... Sometimes, when we sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", she would imitate the action by holding up her hands and opening and closing her palms. She surprised me today when she clapped her hands at worship time and shook her head to the beat of the music. Makes me feel that she's praising God in her own way too. One thing I'm really pleased about is that this girl seems to loooooove books, even preferring them over toys. She loves to flip through the books and look at the pictures and also enjoys it when we read to her. She would sit quietly and listen to the story, or use her fingers to touch the pictures. Of course, she loves to chew on her books too. Sometimes, when she's flipping through her books, she would babble in a sing-song manner. Makes me wonder if she's trying to imitate our reading.

Will be bringing Beth to Brisbane next Sunday for tour and visitation. A bit anxious - don't know how she would behave on the 8-hour flight (Thank God it's midnight flight so hopefully she'll sleep throughout), and not sure whether she'll be able to adjust to the new environment and weather. Will be there for 2 weeks. Really looking forward to it! Be back on 18 December. Catch up with you then!


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Vivo City

Yesterday, Daddy and Mummy took me to the most happening place in town - VIVO CITY. You wouldn't believe the crowd that was there, given that it was a Friday afternoon and many of the shops were still not opened. The place is huge and one could easily get lost in this maze of shops.
Right outside Vivo City was the big ship, Doulos, which has a bookshop onboard. Mummy went onboard to shop for books while Daddy and I waited at the shopping centre. It was so crowded and stuffy that Mummy nearly fainted! Boy, was she glad that she didn't bring me along. The books were good buy, though. In Vivo City, Mummy bought some more books for me, since I prefer books to toys (I especially love to gnaw on the corners). So these are the new additions to my mini library of books:

Then, we went to Toys R Us. We saw this Elmo doll that was bigger than I! Knowing that Elmo is my favourite Sesame Street character, Mummy wasted no time in taking this picture for me.

Vivo City was too crowded so we went to the quieter Harbourfront Centre for dinner. At the entrance was a gigantic Christmas tree adorned with lights and teddy bears. It was simply eye-catching!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Potty Training

Mummy's potty-training me for BIG BUSINESS! Now, I do most of my poo-poo on the infant toilet seat. Whenever Mummy sees my signature grimace, a sign that I'm ready for poo-poo, she'll place me on my 'throne'. Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai are also learning to read my face. That's a photo taken by Daddy when I was in action.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Changes, Changes, Changes

There seems to be so much changes in my young little life this week. I've been going to Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai's place every day. Mummy says she wants me to get used to spending my day there as she's going back to work soon (boo hoo hoo) and they are going to be my primary caretakers during the weekdays. I've been bathing, napping, and having most of my meals there for the past week. I'm now having my naps in a playpen instead of my cot. Today, I tried having milk in my bottle - something which I've not done for the last 5 months. The milk bottle seems not so obnoxious now. I managed to finish everything in it, although it's a mere 30 - 40 ml of breastmilk. I'm having a ball of a time playing with Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai, and exploring the place on my fours, so much so that I've been having restless nights. Daddy says that I'm probably overstimulated. Everything at Nai Nai's place seems new and fun, except when I'm sleepy or have just woken from my nap. In those moments, nothing would suffice but Mummy's presence and warm cuddles.