Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Mummy's Pride & Joy

Mummy created this blog to share snippets of my growing up. Time whizzes by so quickly and so much is happening every day that these precious memories would soon fade away if they're not put down in words.

Monday, July 31, 2006

My First Semi Solid Meal

Finally...the long awaited moment has arrived! Mummy gave me my first semi solid meal today! It was long awaited because she bought the cereal 2 weeks ago, but waited only till today to feed me with it. Here are the ingredients:
Mummy's milk and brown rice cereal
Here are other stuff that she needed:
And...the finished product: for the first bite...The taste is not bad at all! I kept opening my mouth, waiting for Mummy to give me more before she was ready with the next spoonful.

The mess I made after the whole feeding:
Not too bad for a beginner, yah?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Of the Sun, Sand and Sea...and Shopping Carts

Daddy and Mummy brought me on my first CG outing today! After church, we went to a very nice, by-the-sea eating place - Shore Restaurant at NSRCC Sea Sports Centre - for lunch (wonderful recommendation from Uncle Damien and Auntie Fong Yee). It was pouring when we reached there. Mummy was kinda disappointed at first but thank God the rain stopped just as the adults had finished their lunch so we went to a pavillion by the shore to blah blah blah blah and ha ha ha ha (you know, two of those things that adults always do when they get together).

Oh! I had a photo taken with my CG friends! Mummy says this has to be one of her favourite pictures. Quick! Tell me who is the ultimate amongst these four beauties (Si Da Mei Nu)? Don't you dare say it's not me!

And this is our entire CG (missing in action: Auntie Sabrina, Samuel Gor Gor, Joel Gor Gor, and of course, Auntie Mary, who is behind the camera) :

The sky was still overcast after the rain.

In the evening, it was time to do our weekly grocery shopping. Mummy seated me in the shopping cart, hoping that I could steady myself so that Daddy doesn't have to lug along my pram everytime we shop for grocery. I was able to do that for a while.

But alas! After 5 minutes, they had to be disappointed.

Friday, July 28, 2006

My New Toys

Hurray! I'm up and about today so let's move on to today's topic.

Introducing (drumroll).... the 2 new toys that I got this week.

New Toy # 1: A pink inflatable hammer Auntie Sarah bought from Hong Kong. I love to hold and look at it from different angles, shake it to hear the bell inside jingle, and yes, most of all, lick it. come it doesn't taste like strawberry?

New Toy # 2: A polka dotted rocking horse that can be sucked on to my high chair. Mummy bought it from NTUC on Tuesday. Try as I might to remove it, it's stubbornly stuck onto the tray. Mummy says that's a good feature. I guess she's just tired of the fact that she has to pick up my toys each time I drop them from my highchair.

And within 5 minutes of fiddling with the toy, I've figured out my favourite part of it - the horse's tail, which is made from ribbons. I can put the whole thing in my mouth and suck on it!

(Did you notice the way I sit in my highchair in the picture above? Mummy says I sit like an Ah Pek)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Help! I've been Bugged!

Boohoohoo...I'm down with a cough, fever and running nose today (cough cough). Dr. Saw said that I've been attacked by a virus. Sigh...everytime I see Dr. Saw (sniff sniff), I'm reminded of the horrible jabs that he gave me so I would protest and cry each time Mummy takes me into his office, jabs or no jabs. So today (cough cough), Dr. Saw had to take my temperature thrice to get a correct reading because I wouldn't let him. My temperature? 38.8 C. Quite high, yah (cough cough)? As if that's not bad enough (Ahchoooo!), Dr. Saw gave Mummy 2 bottles filled with orange and pink syrup and ordered her to feed me with them. They taste horrible! Boohoohoo... I hope I'll never have to see him again....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Legs Opened so Wide!

Today I got it again - comments from passers-by about the way I sit in my pram. Comments like "Wah...this girl so chor lor. Legs opened so wide!" This is the 5th or 6th time that I've got such comments already! Sigh...can't they understand that I'm only 6 months old and babies are not the slightest bit concerned about being well-groomed? Who cares? So long as I'm comfortable. And in case you're wondering...ya...those are Daddy's feet in his Teva sandals.

Monday, July 24, 2006

My First Books

Mummy says she wants to start me on a reading programme (she's not going to lose out to other Kiasu Mummies) so yesterday, she and Daddy took me to Popular @ Compasspoint and bought these books:

Hmm...I wonder if I would find any of them interesting.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Play Area

This is my play area, which Mummy very cleverly improvised by putting 2 exercise mats together so as to create a place where I can roll about freely without the risk of falling. Mummy put velcro in between the 2 mats to stop them from moving apart when I move vigorously. Total cost = <$40 : a much cheaper alternative to those bumper playmats that cost hundreds. Another advantage: It can be easily kept away in a matter of seconds.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Farm Cot Activity

Sometimes, when Mummy needs to leave me alone, she would put me in my cot. I would then entertain myself with this farm cot activity that is hung on my cot railing.

I especially like the yellow duckie. I have learnt to pull it down and am amazed by the way it moves up on its own with a "zap zap zap" sound when I release it.

My favourite is this little blue and green donkey. Daddy likes to squeeze the carrot and the squeaky sound it makes never fails to amuse me and bring a smile to my face. He also likes to pull it to play the lullaby. Best of all, I looooove to lick the donkey's ears or suck on its carrot. Yummy! Thanks, Donkey, for sharing your carrot with me!

Monday, July 17, 2006

My First Highchair

Mummy bought me an Ikea highchair from Yahoo Auctions yesterday. Costs only $15. Condition not bad for a second-hand item. That's me sitting in my new old highchair for the first time! It feels great to be able to see Mummy at eye level (with Mummy sitting down, of course) and look at things from a higher perspective!